Dear Riders, Volunteers, Carers, Supporters and Friends,
Unfortunately, the government lockdown to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus is still in place and Diamond remains closed. We know how disappointing this for everyone, but we hope that you and your families are all coping well and remaining in good health.
We have a small team of dedicated staff who deserve our thanks for doing a fantastic job looking after our horses. The horses are all fine and are checked every day and being well cared for. The staff and horses have all they need, including a vet and a farrier on standby if required.
Please remember that the Centre remains closed to all volunteers and visitors.
Sadly, the lockdown has meant that the RDA Regional Qualifiers due to be held at Diamond in May have had to be cancelled and the RDA National Championships in July will not take place this year. This will be a disappointment for riders who have been training for these events but in the current situation it cannot be avoided.
Our appeal for funding is doing well and we would like to thank all those who have donated. It really is appreciated, and your support will make a big difference.
However, as a result of the continuing lockdown we are still experiencing a huge drop in our income from riding fees and fundraising events, but we still have our day to day bills to pay including staff wages and horse costs.
We recognise that it’s a tough time financially for many people but if you haven’t done so and would like to donate or could share this appeal with your family, friends and colleagues that would be great, thank you.
Diamond has been around for over 50 years and we intend to be around for a good while longer so please keep those donations coming in.
To donate you can either send a cheque to the Centre or through our JustGiving page