Mike Watson is raising money for Diamond by walking 100km in 24h in the Yorkshire Dales! Please support him via his just giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Michael-Watson41?utm_campaign=lc_frp_share_transaction_fundraiser_page_launched&utm_content=d3bca70a-cce4-41b4-9cc3-4edb334e9b99&utm_medium=email&utm_source=postoffice&utm_term=1656316565777
Mike’s message:
Hi everyone, on 23rd/24th July I am attempting to walk 100km in the Yorkshire Dales to raise money for The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders. If my feet and body allows I will be trying to complete the challenge in 24 hours, with only brief stops for food and water.
However, the training, the event and any pain will, hopefully, be only short-lived. Many of our riders are faced with life-long disabilities but the benefits of horse riding that we see every week are amazing. Whilst we have an incredible staff and volunteer team we do rely heavily on fund raising and donations, so any financial support you can provide will be fantastic. Thank you.