Therapeutic riding and hippotherapy are available to those who will benefit from specialist physiotherapy programmes. Hippotherapy is provided at The Diamond Centre on a one to one basis by specially trained therapists for riders with significant postural problems. These riders would not be able to be supported appropriately within a normal group ride and require the specialised support and supervision of a therapist who is fully qualified in the use of the horse for rehabilitation.
The unique benefits, which can be achieved from hippotherapy, are widely recognised.
Hippotherapy uses the movement of the horse as a therapeutic tool to develop the rider’s ability to achieve a symmetrical posture and to normalise muscle tone, develop trunk and head control and maintain an upright posture. The horse’s movement also provides opportunities for the rider to develop balance reactions.
The majority of riders on hippotherapy sessions use a sheet instead of a saddle in order to benefit from the warmth of the horse and to feel the normal movement through their pelvis. This also allows the riders position to be changed easily to achieve a variety of postural responses.
These riders would not be able to be supported appropriately within a normal group ride and require the specialised support and supervision of a therapist who is fully qualified in the use of the horse for rehabilitation.
The Diamond Centre has its own highly qualified physiotherapist who is a member of ACPTR (Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Therapeutic Riding) and holds the ACPTR ‘Horse in Rehabilitation’ Level 3 – the highest level obtainable. She advises instructors and helpers in therapeutic riding sessions and assesses potential riders.