Volunteer’s area – Tacking up

Videos, training links and fun to help you learn all about Diamond!

Tacking up

How to tack up: Bridle

How to tack up: Saddle

How to untack

Stirrups, devonshire boots & seat savers

Guiness learning…….how to put a rug on!

Guiness learning……how to take a rug off!

How to check girths


  • On the bridle undo the nose band and the throat lash
  • Take the reins and the headpiece [the band at the back of the horse’s ears] in your right hand
  • Place your left hand by the horse’s lips so you can ensure the bit does not hit the horse’s teeth when the bridle is removed
  • Gently ease all your right hand, with the straps in it, forward over the horse’s ears and lower the bridle away from the horse’s head
  • The horse should release the bit which you catch in your left hand
  • If they don’t release the bit immediately wait with your hand under their lips until they release it – don’t try to pull it out or drop the rest of the bridle.
  • Tie your pony up at the front the stable using lead rein and quick release knot
  • Undo the neck straps that fasten to the saddle [both sides]
  • Stand on the left side of the horse
    [You can tell you are on the correct side by standing facing the horse’s head, your right arm should be against the saddle]
  • Undo the girth buckles
  • Place it down so it doesn’t touch the horse’s legs
  • Go round the front of the horse to the other side
  • Place the girth on top of the saddle
  • Come back round the front to the original side
  • Carefully lift the saddle off the horse’s back
  • Put on the stable door/top rail out of reach of the horse
  • Make sure it can’t fall
  • Go back to the horse’s left side
  • Scoop up the neck strap, and take over the horses head (you will need to unclip the leadrope from headcollar or untie the horse)
  • If your horse/pony needs a rug put it on – see Session prep
  • Untie the lead rope and unclip it from the headcollar
  • Remove the headcollar
  • Place the headcollar over the saddle with the bridle
  • Come out of stable, ensuring you fasten the door top & bottom

Putting Tack Away

  • Hang lead rope up outside the stable
  • Take tack [saddle & saddle pad/numnah, bridle, headcollar] back to tack room and put on appropriate horse’s peg
  • Take bridle over to the sink and rinse the bit
  • Put back on correct peg
  • Ensure reins and girth are not left dangling on the floor

Tack Room

Tack room tour!

Specialist Tack

Specialist tack – reins

Specialist tack – attachments

Other Useful things!

Eclipse learning………..how to put a headcollar on and pick out hooves

Eclipse learning…….the names of the grooming kit brushes

Eclipse learning……..how to groom

How to tie a quick release knot

Contact us!

020 8643 7764

The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders
Woodmansterne Road,
Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 4DT


(please note, if you are travelling to us we are in the LEZ & new ULEZ zone)




Other important info....

Registered charity number: 1045970.

The London Borough of Sutton, Animal Activity License, Hiring out horses, Licence Number: 22/00380/RIDE