by Katie Hobden | Jul 1, 2023
We have been enjoying the summer weather and sunshine at Diamond. While us humans enjoy the heat, sometimes we might alter our lesson content to adapt when it gets too hot, to ensure the the horses and ponies don’t overheat. Did you know the hot horse facts...
by Katie Hobden | Jul 1, 2023
Welcome to Rosemary Stewart who joined our board of trustees in May. Rosemary has been connected with Diamond for nearly 20 years, where all of her children have either ridden or volunteered. She brings a wealth of knowledge through her work as a support worker as...
by Katie Hobden | Jul 1, 2023
Diamond is keen to do our bit for the environment so we are asking our riders to design posters that can be displayed around the centre to encourage of everyone to be more enironmentally conscious. We would like posters on the following: Recycling to protect the...
by Katie Hobden | Jul 1, 2023
Bingo night, Mini rally, sponsored walks & plant exchanges! We had a busy Spring at Diamond, with our fundraising events! In May we had a stall in Brighton at the Mini Run, raising awareness and money for Diamond, with our friends from the Mini Club who sponsor...
by Katie Hobden | Jul 1, 2023
The Diamond Centre’s success hinges on its excellent team of volunteer coaches and helpers – without them we could not operate. We wanted to show our appreciation to our volunteers with a summer thank you cheese and wine afternoon to recgonise the amazing...