Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

It is with deep sadness that the Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders marks the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Our sympathy is with Her Majesty’s family, and the whole country, at this sad time. We are all hugely grateful for Her Majesty’s life of national...
Summer Hay Appeal

Summer Hay Appeal

Rain rain where have you gone? With this dry spell we have are currently feeding the horses more hay than we do in the winter. A small bale of hay costs as little as £5.50. If you would like to help feed your favourite horse(s) over this dry spell, we are welcoming...
Summer Event Helpers Needed!

Summer Event Helpers Needed!

We have lots of summer events coming up and need some volunteers to help! Jobs include manning our servery, making teas and coffees, trips out to represent Diamond, general organisation & help with the Autumn fair! Please call the office 020 8643 7764 or email us...
Diamond Autumn Fair

Diamond Autumn Fair

The biggest event of the calendar is coming up, the Autumn Fair! Tickets will be on sale on the gate, any questions please call the...