Sycamore Trees

Sycamore Trees

Sycamore tree removal. As part of our five year plan to reduce the number of Sycamore trees, we will be removing the Sycamore trees in front field (the one next to the drive). Toxins in sycamore seeds and saplings have been shown to cause atypical myopathy, a fatal...
Rider – Thank you!

Rider – Thank you!

Charlie who used to ride with us at the centre, has sent us this lovely note – thank you Charlie, for continuing to support us here at Diamond – we really appreciate it. I’m Charlie and I’m 24 years old, I have been involved at Diamond Centre since I was 5...
Rider’s Feature – Ella Grace

Rider’s Feature – Ella Grace

This issue we hear from Ella-Grace! I have been coming to Diamond for about 2 years, since I was 9. I have always been determined to do my best in dressage and the Diamond Centre has really helped me achieve that. I love horse riding because it’s so fun,...
Help us at Diamond – Volunteers needed

Help us at Diamond – Volunteers needed

Did you know Diamond offers vaulting (gymnastics on horseback) and Carriage Driving for it’s participants? We always welcome volunteers to help with  any of our activities (particularly vaulting and carriage driving), and support with the horses, general help...
Sponsor – Thank you!

Sponsor – Thank you!

A massive thank you to Effie who participated in the London to Brighton Cycle ride, raising funds for Diamond. This is a huge achievement and we thank her very...