by Katie Hobden | Nov 1, 2020
Congratulations to Maz and Emily who got married on the 19th October. They met when Maz came to work at Diamond in December 2018, as many of you will remember, Emily worked at Diamond way back in 2008. They got engaged during a trip to Iceland in February of this year...
by Katie Hobden | Nov 1, 2020
Hi everyone. Dougal here.Gucci emailed me the other day and told me he graced you with his presence via a video and that him and Alfie had a race. Don’t worry I still believe in the written word so I am going to keep my updates in this form.As requested from one of...
by Katie Hobden | Oct 21, 2020
As the current Covid situation restricts us from doing our normal RDA schedule we are now offering able-bodied riding lessons. These are open to anyone who wishes to ride provided you are over 13 years of age, have some riding experience and are under 14 stone....
by Katie Hobden | Oct 20, 2020
Sister Chiara Hatton-Hall (born: August 15, 1930, died: September 23, 2020) It was with great sadness that we learnt that Sister Chiara (Cherrie) Hatton-Hall passed away on 23rd September 2020. Sister Chiara will be remembered by many people at Diamond. Many more will...
by Katie Hobden | Oct 14, 2020
Hi Guys So sorry I’ve been missing for a few months. I’m sure you have missed me as much as I have missed you! The Centre has been able to start some lessons for some of our RDA and for able bodied riders so some of the herd have been back to it at the Centre. I, of...
by Katie Hobden | Sep 19, 2020
The on-going restrictions and uncertainties about larger gatherings were making it difficult to plan our Autumn Fair in September 2020. It was decided that we would not be able to hold it in the same way as previous years especially as it involves indoor and outdoor...