News Archive….
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Call for Volunteers!
Do you have some spare time during the week? Do you like working with horses? Would you like to support events or fundraising? Bring your friends! We need new volunteers - please contact the office to find out more (! We have many different...
Biomechanics Lecture
Bio-Mechanics Lecture – Saturday 29th July (6.30 pm). After a popular Rider Biomechanics session last year, this year the focus will be Equine Biomechanics and will be held at the Diamond Centre. Presented by Sarah MacDonald FBHS. All proceeds in aid of Diamond,...
Staff Update
Welcome to Amelia McCarthy who joined us in April this year. Amelia worked on other yards before joining Diamond so brings lots of experience and has Stage 2 horse care. We are very happy she has joined us. Welcome to the team Ameila!
Summer at Diamond
We have been enjoying the summer weather and sunshine at Diamond. While us humans enjoy the heat, sometimes we might alter our lesson content to adapt when it gets too hot, to ensure the the horses and ponies don't overheat. Did you know the hot horse facts below?
Trustee News
Welcome to Rosemary Stewart who joined our board of trustees in May. Rosemary has been connected with Diamond for nearly 20 years, where all of her children have either ridden or volunteered. She brings a wealth of knowledge through her work as a support worker as...
Design a Poster Competition
Diamond is keen to do our bit for the environment so we are asking our riders to design posters that can be displayed around the centre to encourage of everyone to be more enironmentally conscious. We would like posters on the following: Recycling to protect the...
Our recent events
Bingo night, Mini rally, sponsored walks & plant exchanges! We had a busy Spring at Diamond, with our fundraising events! In May we had a stall in Brighton at the Mini Run, raising awareness and money for Diamond, with our friends from the Mini Club who sponsor...
Thank you to our volunteers!
The Diamond Centre’s success hinges on its excellent team of volunteer coaches and helpers – without them we could not operate. We wanted to show our appreciation to our volunteers with a summer thank you cheese and wine afternoon to recgonise the amazing...
Horse update – Ebony!
Welcome to our newest arrival Ebony. Ebony has settled in extremely well and is now a firm rider favourite.She has come from a happy hacking home, so is doing lots of off-lead rein lesson to get started with us.She is a 15hh black beauty who is a massive softie. Do...
Quiz Night – 25th November
Quiz Night - Saturday 25th November. Come and test your general knowledge with us at Diamond, amazing prizes to be won!
Diamond Autumn Fair – 24th September
This year The Diamond Centre Autumn Fair & Fun Dog Show is on Sunday 24th September, 11am – 4pm, at the Diamond Centre, Woodmansterne Road, Carshalton, SM5 4DT. At this ever-popular event, sponsored by the Surrey Masonic Sports Association, there will be Donkey...
The Diamond Dog Show at the Autumn Fair!
Does your dog have what it takes? Join us for the Diamond Dog Show - everyone welcome, details below!
Join us for our Quiz on April 29th!
Rotary Charity Walk
Come and join us for the Rotary Charity Walk - a fully marshalled walk of 8.5 miles through some of the most attractive scenery of the North Downs, starting and finishing at Epsom Downs. Raise money for your prefered charity - Diamond!
Diamond Plant Swap
Calling All GardenersBe a part of the new DIAMOND PLANT SWAP scheme.Throw a few extra seeds in when sowing or pot on an extra seedling. Then bring them along to The Diamond Centre (once they’ve been hardened off). Leave them with us and then give a different plant a...
Rider’s Feature – Reggie
Rider's Feature This edition we hear from Reggie! Reggie is 5 years old and has been coming to the riding centre since September. He gets excited every week about coming to see Teddy, the horse he rides each time. Reggie says "He’s my best friend and love him because...
Staff Update
A big hello to Hannah Prior! Hannah has been a volunteer at Diamond for over 15 years and we are very pleased she is now a member of staff. Her favourite horse is Cleo, who she also sponsors. She brings a real sense of fun to all her lessons and in her new role....
Volunteer Appreciation
We wouldn't be able to run the Diamond centre without our fabulous volunteers and we thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do for the Diamond Centre. In this newsletter, we would like to spotlight Pam Thompson. Pam has volunteered with us for many...
Trustee News
We would like to show our appreciation to Steve Axon, who has stepped down as Chair of the Trustees. 'After 13 years, I have decided to stand down as Chairman. Back in 2009 I was looking for a new challenge and welcomed the opportunity when asked to take over as...
ULEZ Survey
The Trustees would like to thank everyone who took time to respond to our ULEZ survey. We are in consultation with local authorities about the potential impacts of the expansion of ULEZ on Diamond Centre and your responses have given us valuable information for these...
Vending Machine
Look out for our new vending machine, which is stocked with cold drinks, snacks and some of our merchandise. Card and cash payments are available. Our new Diamond merchandise includes water bottles, thermal cups, hat bags and shopping tote bags. Ask in the office...
Spotlight on Our Showjumpers
At Diamond we offer a range of equine activities, our latest addition is RDA showjumping! Some of our advanced riders were offered a 6 week course, covering the RDA level 1-3 showjumping syllabus. The riders learn all sorts of new things, including riding with shorter...
Horse Update – Dom!
Welcome to our newest arrival Dom. Dom is an Andalusian and is 16 hh and 25 years old. His previous career was as a jousting horse, but now that he is in his later years, he is an ideal calm horse for Diamond and is looking after lots of our riders. He's a giant...
Open Day – Thank You!
Well done to everyone who was involved with the Christmas Open Day! The yard looked immaculate, the ponies were perfect and everyone was amazing! Congratulations to those who rode beautifully, participating in the story and to all those who won awards! And a MASSIVE...
Contact us!
020 8643 7764
The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders
Woodmansterne Road,
Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 4DT
(please note, if you are travelling to us we are in the LEZ & new ULEZ zone)
Other important info....
Registered charity number: 1045970.
The London Borough of Sutton, Animal Activity License, Hiring out horses, Licence Number: 22/00380/RIDE